Your guide to medical cannabis and fibromyalgia

Your guide to medical cannabis and fibromyalgia

Might 12th is International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, which aims to garner understanding for the debilitating infection and treatments that are developing aim to boost patient’s total well being. This theme that is year’s “helping your self while helping others” – so in that character, we might want to share our knowledge in the technology behind a treatment that is emerging FM with promising results.

The facts?

Fibromyalgia (fibro: Fibrous tissue, myo: muscle tissue, algia: discomfort) is associated with chronic pain that is generalized though patients may also suffer from additional signs including: tiredness and chronic exhaustion, morning tightness, recurrent headaches and intolerance to work out. Presence of fibromyalgia can also be associated with an increase of incidence of despair and anxiety. It impacts anywhere from 2-10% associated with basic populace and is 2-5 times more frequent than arthritis rheumatoid. Comparable to joint disease, it primarily effects females.

Present remedies are according to symptomatic relief, you need to include over-the counter pain medication, antidepressants, therapeutic massage, dietary supplements and some alternate treatments such as acupuncture. (more…)